Pakistan Rebukes Modi’s ‘Belligerent Remarks’, Highlights India’s ‘Terror Campaign’

Pakistan has strongly refuted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent statements, branding them as “belligerent” and “totally counter-productive” to resolving the long-standing disputes between the two neighboring countries. These remarks were made by Modi during his speech on World Youth Skills Day, where he accused Pakistan of trying to maintain relevance through “terrorism” and “proxy war,” asserting that such strategies would never succeed.

In a detailed response, Pakistan’s Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch issued a comprehensive statement dismissing Modi’s accusations. She condemned his rhetoric, emphasizing that it undermines regional peace and obstructs the resolution of critical issues, particularly the core dispute of Jammu and Kashmir. Baloch highlighted that “bravado and jingoism” are detrimental to the efforts aimed at addressing these long-standing conflicts. She pointed out that Indian leaders’ rhetorical statements are an attempt to divert international attention from the oppressive actions of Indian forces in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Baloch further stressed that the Kashmiri people’s struggle for their fundamental rights and freedoms, especially their inalienable right to self-determination, cannot be overshadowed by such deflections. She criticized India’s heavy-handed approach to suppressing this just struggle, drawing attention to the brutalities being committed by Indian forces in the region.

In addition to countering Modi’s remarks, the Foreign Office urged India to reflect on its own actions, accusing it of conducting a campaign of “orchestrating targeted assassinations, subversion, and terrorism in foreign territories.” The statement urged the Modi-led regime to avoid maligning other nations in an attempt to cover up its internal issues and aggressive policies in IIOJK.

Despite the escalating tensions, Pakistan reaffirmed its commitment to promoting peace and stability in the region. The Foreign Office underscored Pakistan’s intent and capability to safeguard its sovereignty, citing the robust response to India’s reckless incursion in February 2019 as evidence of its defensive readiness. This response was referenced to highlight Pakistan’s resolve and preparedness to defend its territorial integrity against any aggression.

Historically, relations between India and Pakistan have been fraught with conflict, particularly over the Kashmir issue. The situation worsened in August 2019 when India revoked the special status of IIOJK, bifurcating it into two federally administered territories. This unilateral move led to a significant deterioration in diplomatic ties, with both countries downgrading their diplomatic missions in a series of tit-for-tat actions. The revocation of Kashmir’s special status has been a major point of contention, exacerbating the already volatile relations.

Pakistan’s robust rebuttal to Modi’s remarks underscores the persistent volatility in Indo-Pak relations. It highlights the necessity for a diplomatic and peaceful approach to resolve the deep-rooted issues between the two nuclear-armed neighbors. The exchange of harsh rhetoric serves as a reminder of the fragile peace in the region and the urgent need for constructive dialogue to address the grievances and aspirations of the people, particularly in Kashmir.

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