Following the attack on the refugee camp, the head of Hamas charges Israel of “barbaric massacres.”

Ismail Haniyeh warns that hostages being held in Gaza face same risk of ‘death and destruction’ from the Israeli assault on the territory as Palestinian residents

Israel is accused by the political leader of Hamas of committing “massacres” in the besieged Gaza Strip in order to hide its own “defeats.” He also issued a warning, stating that the hundreds of Israeli and foreign hostages being held captive in Gaza were at the same risk of “death and destruction” as Palestinian residents due to Israel’s attack on the territory.

Ismail Haniyeh told the world in a broadcast address on Wednesday that Israel is “committing barbaric massacres against unarmed civilians.”.

“Its villainy will not prevent them from suffering a crushing defeat,” he vowed.

After Hamas carried out a devastating attack on southern Israel, killing at least 1,400 people, mostly civilians, according to Israeli officials, Israel launched an assault on Gaza on October 7.

Palestinian officials claim that at least 8,796 people—including 3,648 children—have died as a result of Israel’s ongoing bombardment of Gaza.

Haniyeh claimed that prior to the attack, Hamas had alerted Israel’s “fascist government” to its “contentious policies,” citing the growth of settlements in the West Bank and assaults on places of worship for Muslims, like the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The leader of Hamas declared that instability in the region would persist until the “Palestinians obtain their legitimate rights to freedom, independence, and return.”.

hit camp for refugees.

The statements were made subsequent to the Israeli forces. assailed. According to Palestinian officials, dozens of people were killed in the Jabalia refugee camp in north Gaza for the second day in a row.

Palestinian officials reported that an Israeli airstrike on the crowded neighborhood the day before had killed over fifty people.

Three of the seven Israeli hostages who were killed in the attack, according to Hamas, had foreign passports.

Prior to this, the military wing of Hamas claimed that “almost 50” hostages had perished in Israeli airstrikes on the besieged area.

The Israeli military acknowledged that it had launched an airstrike on the largest refugee camp in Gaza, Jabalia, claiming that it had killed senior Hamas member Ibrahim Biari and numerous other “terrorists.”. According to Israel, Biari was in charge of assisting in the planning of the October 7 attack.

UNICEF issues a death threat to children.

Children in Gaza are suffering greatly as a result of the Israeli assault, according to the UN Children’s Fund.


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